Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Post

My first blog exciting!

Those of you close to my family know what's been going on in our lives this past six months. While Dennis was in the hospital, I found it relatively easy to send regular e-mail updates to our family and friends - what the heck, I wasn't sleeping, anyway, right? Now, though, with Dennis home (thank heavens) and our daily schedules filled with appointments, meetings and errands, I realize that I've been neglecting my updates and (gasp!) even forgetting to respond to e-mails!!!

My daughter-in-law, Beth, started a blog here, and that gave me the idea that maybe I should give it a try, too. One place for updates may not be as personal as individual e-mails, but I think most of you will understand! If not, give me a few months and I'll get back to normal!


  1. Jeannie!

    Thanks for including me in your notice of your new blog. I am all for ease of communication... it is personal, even if it seems "impersonal."

    I will be back up your way Friday/Saturday. ONE of these times, we should get together in person. Phone number is the same.

    Hugs to y'all... especially your Mom.


  2. Welcome to the world of Blogging! I think it's a fun way to stay in touch! Have fun!
